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10 questions for … Lukáš Sommer

02. 03. 2020


Mgr. Lukáš Sommer became a new partner at ROWAN LEGAL on 1.10.2019. He has long been involved in the public investment sphere and in projects in regulated sectors such as energy and water supply. Recently, he has particularly been involved in the SVS project – the transition of a water supply company in North Bohemia from private hands to regional ownership. Other than working with clients, Lukáš is also involved in setting up internal processes within ROWAN LEGAL and business development in his area.

  1. What do you enjoy most about your job?

Variety. We always endeavour to reflect our clients’ wishes and thanks to that every case that we handle with our clients is different.

  1. What is your greatest professional achievement?

I consider becoming a partner at ROWAL LEGAL my greatest professional achievement to date. I appreciate that opportunity very much, and it leaves me feeling engaged and motivated to keep working.

  1. How often does something surprise you in your profession?

I have more than 10 years of experience, so I wish I could say that I don’t get surprised very easily. But in fact the opposite is true. The sphere of law – in which I am the most involved – is very dynamic. Therefore, there is no lack of surprises and new difficulties. And that is exactly what I like about my job – that after 10 years it can still surprise me.

  1. What or who has influenced your working life the most?

Probably the fact that from the beginning of my career I have been part of a big and stable company with a long tradition. I can’t imagine working without such a skilled team as the one we have at ROWAN LEGAL and I am very happy to be a part of it.

  1. Is there any law that you would prefer to repeal?

The contracts register act. Although it was no doubt introduced with good intentions, in practice it gives rise to countless questions and difficulties.

  1. An ideal holiday for you?

With my family, away from everyday problems.

  1. What subject was your favourite during your studies and why? And which did you not like at all?

Civil law was my favourite. I consider it the basis for everything and at the same time one (during the time of my studies anyway, I wouldn’t claim the same today) of the most intelligible pieces of legislation. I didn’t like administrative law, it was rather foreign to me. Paradoxically, I deal with administrative law quite regularly in my practice, so I can say that after 10 years I have found a way to like it.

  1. What would you say to young people who are considering the legal profession?

You have to hang in there – particularly during your studies. The most interesting part of our profession comes in the practical application. Only then do a lot of the dots start connecting and things become comprehensible. At least that’s how it was for me.

  1. Why did you decide to become a lawyer?

It was a bit of a process of elimination. I was not terribly good at mathematics, chemistry or physics, and there are enough archaeologists already.

  1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Exactly where I am today.

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